marți, 11 octombrie 2011

Check credit score Massachusetts

check credit score Massachusetts

As this eco-friendly building opens its doors, many other supermarkets are following suit. The Whole Foods in Sarasota, Florida has been LEED certified with a Silver rating, and Food Lion just broke ground on a store check credit score Massachusetts in Columbia, South Carolina that is on track to LEED certification. As the green building and retail food industries forge new partnerships, this progress check credit score Massachusetts highlights a growing void: the lack of check credit score Massachusetts a common set of guidelines to transparently access the sustainability of the wide range of ecological, health, and social impacts involved with food production and distribution. True, we have the Certified Organic label, which has made advances in restricting the use of toxic chemical pesticides, herbicides, and fertilizers on check credit score Massachusetts our food. But the Organic certification system fails to recognize the wider ecological impact of a product. Saying the product is organic is not enough check credit score Massachusetts anymore, says UC Berkeley Industrial Ecologist check credit score Massachusetts and GoodGuide founder Dara ORourke. In 2009, you need to know, okay, its organic but is it healthy? Much of the organic food that is check credit score Massachusetts bought every day in the U.S. credit online report Newsweek reported last year that while there are 21 separate agencies that claim to certify organic farms in China, only one of them is considered legitimate outside of the country.

Consider this with the fact that it’s estimated that roughly half of the organic garlic we import is coming from China. It’s hard to imagine all that garlic is certified by the recognized agency, and all this is complicated by the fact that our government doesn’t keep track of the country and farm of origin of organic food imports.

In fact, we only even inspect a little over 1% of all food imports. A few years ago, Wal-Mart had to pull a bunch of Chinese produce labeled check credit score Massachusetts organic from its Chinese stores after check credit score Massachusetts they tested it and found out it was loaded with pesticides.

Ironically, even in the US, as the check credit score Massachusetts organic label becomes more in demand, organic farms have been further industrialized to check credit score Massachusetts produce higher yields, and we begin check credit score Massachusetts to see more Certified Organic products check credit score Massachusetts with questionable ecological impacts. free credit rating So with the rise of industrial organics, comes a check credit score Massachusetts whole new crop of organic food mass-produced by companies with unproven ecological accountability and questionable workers rights practices. Organizations like Fair Trade and TransFair USA have been established to ensure fair wages and treatment for farmers and are working towards making more of the food they supply organic.

But both these systems lack a comprehensive view of the product from its origins to its packaging and disposal, and thus fail to recognize the depth and breadth of the products impacts.

Moreover, the Fair Trade label is only applied to certain industries that are especially susceptible to worker exploitation, more often than not in developing nations. For the rest of the food check credit score Massachusetts supply, there is no established method of accessing and certifying a truly sustainable supply chain. It seems to me that we need to recognize and confront the health and social impacts associated with our food supply while giving equal attention to the ecological impacts. Right now, the best we as consumers can do to gain insight into the broad range of consequences associated with a given product is to do the research ourselves.

Fortunately, there are rating systems that can help consumers assess the various impacts of products. oregon free credit report GoodGuide is a rating system check credit score Massachusetts designed by ORourke that rates products in three categories: social, health, and environmental, and organizes them according to users preferences in each area.

As ORourke check credit score Massachusetts states in Ecological Awareness, GoodGuide provides the most comprehensive, and credible information in the world to shoppers right at the moment when theyre making a decision about a product or company.

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